
Privacy Policy

Thank you for your interest in Zephyr (the "Bot", "Game", "Service" and "Website"), developed by Zephyr Labs ("we", "us", "our"). To provide the best experience for our players, we collect some necessary data from Discord users (the "User", "you", "they", "their") who have interacted with the game, as well as the Discord guilds (the "Server(s)") that Zephyr has been added to.

This Privacy Policy was designed to detail our policies regarding the data we collect via our bot, website, or any other software we have developed (collectively, our "Service(s)"). To deliver the best experience to both Discord and our players, we collect the following data:

User ID: The unique identifier that belongs to your Discord account. This allows us to assign game data to a particular Discord user account. User IDs are accessible by any Discord user.

Guild ID: The unique identifier that belongs to each Discord guild. This allows us to assign game data to a particular Discord guild. Guild IDs are accessible by any Discord user.

Channel ID: The unique identifier that belongs to each Discord channel. This allows us to assign game data to a particular Discord channel, such as for setting bot permissions of a particular channel. Channel IDs are accessible by any Discord user.

We do not sell or share any collected data with any third parties.

If you have any privacy requests or concerns, such as a data removal request, please contact us via email at support@zephyr.bot.

LAST UPDATED: 01/29/2024